This one was hard emotionally, in a good way. I got so emotional editing and delivering this session. For the past two months, I haven’t really slept, I have been glued to my computer until 2am every night seven days a week. If I’m real with you guys, I broke down uploading this session to their gallery to deliver to them but it was a happy breakdown. I met Jessica and Dave two years ago when the baby was not even one years old yet. I met them because she was referred to me by another one of my amazing clients Marissa. Their first session ever with me was at this same location (Rollins) and then I saw them again a few times after that. Then she contacted me for a Tree Farm Session, it couldn’t work, so we just decided to go to Rollins. I LOVE all of my clients, and sometimes I do get emotional editing because I sometimes still can’t believe I get to do this. Being so tired and finally being able to catch up like I want to in editing and delivering galleries had me a little emotional today but that’s okay. Watching this baby grow over the past few years just had me bawling, she gave me so many hugs during the session and just had so many joyful smiles on her face that it made my heart hurt in such a good way. I think this time of year a lot of photographers just need a hug, and Malin gave that to me <3

I can’t believe I create these memories that one day this babys grand babies will see and cherish. People say, “just take the photo” and it may sound biased (hello) but guys, yes, please do and if you could, invest in a family session, once a year. Don’t let weight, how you feel, or anything stop you. Your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren won’t see any of that. They just want the photo, I promise. I cherish every single photo I took with my mom, dad, siblings as a child. I will go through the box and just cry because those are moments that will never come back, but the photo and memory is there in my hands. I’m trying my best to do the same with my son, even if it’s just photos with my phone, even though I do have his dad take photos with my camera sometimes. I want my son to get emotional, I want him to smile when he sees photos of him and I, or him with his dad, his brother, my parents, anyone who was a part of his life growing up. Get dressed up, ONE DAY, and just do it. Your future self and children will thank you for it.

With that being said, here is lots of images from this session just because….


Orlando family photographer. Orlando photographer. Florida family photographer.

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